Statement of Intent
At Hill Top we are passionate about promoting high standards of computing and we intent children have the knowledge to develop lifelong skills in computing, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability, by providing a broad and balanced computing curriculum. We acknowledge that future generations will rely heavily on their computational confidence and digital skills to support their progress within their chosen career paths. Our children will be taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others.
Computing is an integral part of education and everyday life. Consequently, we intend to support our children to access and understand the core principles of this subject through engaging and activities. Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.
Our children will gain experience and skills of a wide range of technology in a way that will enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use technology across a range of subjects to be creative and solve problems, ensuring they make progress.
Computing knowledge and skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.
At Hill Top, we follow a broad and balanced computing curriculum that builds on pervious learning and provides both support and challenge for learners. All children have a scheduled computing lesson however computing will be taught alongside other curriculum subject. Teachers prompt computing in all lessons, for example through the interactive whiteboards and iPads. In each year group the children will have experiences of all three strands of the computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. The subject knowledge imparted becomes increasingly specific and in depth, with more complex skills being taught, thus ensuring that learning is built upon. For example, children in Key Stage 1 learn what algorithms are, which leads them to the design stage of programming in Key Stage 2, where they design, write and debug programs, explaining the thinking behind their algorithms.
At Hill Top, Computing extends into other areas of the curriculum with children using computer technology in many English, Maths and topic lessons. Employing cross-curricular links motivates pupils and supports them to make connections and remember the steps they have been taught.
The curriculum at Hill Top aims to prepare children for the demands of the technological world of the future. We use ICT in innovative ways to enhance children’s learning and through this provide opportunities to spark their curiosity. Through effective use of ICT, we want to give our children opportunities to develop an understanding of the global village and the part that they can play in this. Use of iPads and laptops, ensure that all year groups have the opportunity to use a range of programmes, for many purposes across the wider curriculum.
With the excitement and opportunities that our computing curriculum brings, this requires some responsibilities. We want to ensure that we safeguard our children and are always mindful of the implications of developing new technologies within our school. At Hill Top we encourage staff, children and parents to support safe use of all children’s online activities, at school and home, to guarantee that our children are taught to understand how to stay safe online and know what to do if they do not. This is covered in every computing lesson and is address through other areas in the curriculum.
At Hill Top, we have chosen to use the published scheme Kapow Computing as this offers full coverage of the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Computing National Curriculum with content further broken down into the three areas.
Below is a diagram to show how these strands are taught through Kapow.
Intended Impact
Our children enjoy and value Computing and know why they are doing things, not just how. Children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities.
Progress in Computing is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and analysing children’s work to ensure that progression of skills is taking place. This will be done though:
- Looking at pupils’ work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
- Observing how they perform in lessons
- Talking to them about what they know
- Assessing the children's knowledge and understanding at the beginning and end of each unit
The Computing curriculum at Hill Top will contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This will be seen in the children being able to talk confidently about their work, and share their work with others.
Progress will be shown through outcomes and through the important record of the process leading to them.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Every year, at Hill Top we take part in Safer Internet Day to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology. This year the theme was 'Too good to be true?' We were very look to have a visit from D Side, who worked with each year group, looking at how they can keep themselves safe online, from what we use the internet for to using emails and social media safely and responsibly. During the week, the children also took part in a Safer Internet Day assembly, where they learnt about scams, phishing and how to protect themselves and who they can go to for help, if they are unsure of anything online.
Safer Internet Day 2024
This year, Safer internet Day was all about AI! KS2 were lucky enough to join a live lesson through TechSheCan, where they looked how AI can be used in their daily lives and how it might develop in the future. The children also looked at possible future careers using or designing AI. In KS1 and Early years, the children looked at inspiring change, focusing on making a difference, managing influences and navigating change online. Here is a snap shot of the day!
The Learning Journey of Computing at Hill Top
Long Term Planning for Computing
Key Vocabulary for Computing