Welcome to Year 6!

 Class teacher: Miss Scawthorn

Teaching assistant: Mrs Stead (Friday PPA cover)


Please check our class page to see what we have been learning over each half term!

Year 6 information

Long term plan

Spring 1

 This half term, Year 6 will be learning about World War Two in their History lessons and will be producing lots of English, History and Art work around this topic. The book we will be reading in class is called, 'When The Sky Falls' by Phil Earle, and has won lots of awards for being a very engaging book for children which teaches them about past events from WWII in a child centred and respectful way.  

When the Sky Falls: The bestselling wartime animal tale inspired by a true  story (Historical Animal Stories) : Earle, Phil: Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video  Games



This week we were learning about life as an evacuee in World War Two and looked at accounts from evacuees as well as what items they took inside their suitcases. The children then took part in an active learning session which meant each child had a card with a name and detail on about how the evacuee found their experience. They then had to share their accounts with each other to overall summarise if they had a positive or negative experience overall. 

D-side - internet safety
On Thursday, we had a visitor from Hazel who works for D-side. She delivered an engaging yet informative session around staying safe online, shared age ranges for websites and posed lots of real life scenarios to the children.

Christmas in Year 6!

We have had an amazing first term in Year 6 and have enjoyed finishing the term off with lots of end of term Christmas magic! We listened to Mr Scott’s musicians, the Rock Steady performance, enjoyed the Christmas party, watched a pantomime and ended the celebrations walking to Church to watch Year 3.

Autumn 2


Our topic this half term is living things and their habitats. We began by casting our minds back to remember the broad classification groups for animals.


Year 6 looked amazing in their Christmas outfits today and enjoyed the reindeer run to raise money for Wakefield Hospital. 

Art -

We have finally finished our Art topic which was around 2D drawing to 3D making. We loved having the opportunity to redesign common packing and make it more appealing to people who buy the products everyday! Here are our final designs.


In PE this half term, Year 6 are taking part in Golf lessons. For week 1, the children learnt how to putt from short distances. They learnt how to hold the club correctly and thoroughly enjoyed the session. 


In Music, we are looking at different rhythms and have started by recapping what a minim, quaver and crotchet are. We even looked at rests and then had a very practical session clapping the rhythms.


In Science, our topic is ‘Evolution and inheritance’ and we have been learning about adaptations as well as Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. 

Design Technology

Topic - Playgrounds 

The children have been exploring different playgrounds and have been set the challenge of designing their own playground. They had to make sure they designed 5 pieces of apparatus which connected together in some way. They then got to make their playground designs using recycled materials.


Year 6 are thrilled to begin learning French again with Madame Bex! This week we celebrated International Day of Languages and the children loved watching and spotting how many different languages they could hear in a popular song, ‘ We don’t talk about Bruno’ ! 


Here are images of the children’s final designs! They have loved taking part in all three phases: designing, making and evaluating their playgrounds.


After spending two weeks learning about the different types of fossils and how they are formed, Year 6 were tasked with creating 2 fossils which they had to keep a secret from everyone in class so that we could guess what fossil type it was based on their clues.