Welcome to Year 5

Class Teacher: Mrs O’Donovan 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Colquhoun (PPA Cover Thursday) 

Please check out our class page to see what we have been doing over each half term 

Year 5 Long Term Plan 

Autumn 1

English -  We started the year back by recapping the importance of 'Grammar and Punctuation'. We played games and worked in pairs to work out what makes a single clause sentence and how we can recognise one as well as write our own. 

Maths -  In Maths we stared the year by recalling our multiplication facts up to x12. We enjoyed getting into the fresher completing a timetable treasure hunt in the playground. 

Music - In Year 5, we are all very excited to learn the viola. Our first week began with an introduction to the instrument, how to hold it and care for it. We then played for the first time. 

PE - In PE this half term, our unit is ‘Fitness’. We have been practicing our skipping techniques and showing how we demonstrate some of the five C’s - challenge, care, confidence and character. 

Year 5 Information 

Class Councillors

Democracy: Our class councillors are part of our whole school council and attend regular meetings throughout the year to help decide on areas of development and ideas brought up by the children. The children completed a manifesto in class and presented them to their peers. A vote then took place in class and the children with the most votes have become our class councillors for the year. I'm sure they will do an amazing job!  

Reading for Pleasure

Our class book this half term is, 'Who Let the Gods Out'. 

When a shooting star crashes to Earth, it lands Elliot smack bang in the path of Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. But when the pair accidentally release Thanatos, a wicked death daemon imprisoned beneath Stonehenge, they've got nowhere to turn for help but to the old Olympian gods.